Using Firebase Auth With Nuxt.js

This article is an overview of using Nuxt.js with Firebase Authentication. In Part 2, I will provide a more detail explanation of the concepts used in this example.


  • I am using SPA mode with Nuxt.js which is implemented by setting the option mode: 'spa' in nuxt.config.js.
  • You need to enable the Sign-In Method for Google from the Authentication settings via your Firebase Console.
  • I am using Firebase Hosting but it should work with any static hosting provider. However, you’ll need to authorize that domain via your Firebase Console in Authentication settings via your Firebase Console under the Sign-In Methods Tab.

I have created 3 files that handle the issues faced when attempting to use Firebase Auth with Nuxt.js.

  • fireinit.js
  • fireauth.js
  • router-auth.js

Firebase App Setup

To setup/initialize the firebase app with credentials, I created services/fireinit.js. An issue commonly seen by developers is Firebase telling us an app already exist. The line below solves this issue.

!firebase.apps.length ? firebase.initializeApp(config) : ''

This is an if/else statement in shortened form. It checks if any firebase apps already exist.

If one does not exist, initialize the app, otherwise do nothing because it’s already happened so we’re good to go.

// This is `services/fireinit.js`

import * as firebase from 'firebase/app'
import 'firebase/auth'
import 'firebase/firestore'
import 'firebase/database'

var config = {
  apiKey: 'yourProjectValueHere',
  authDomain: 'yourProjectValueHere',
  databaseURL: 'yourProjectValueHere',
  projectId: 'yourProjectValueHere',
  storageBucket: 'yourProjectValueHere',
  messagingSenderId: 'yourProjectValueHere'

!firebase.apps.length ? firebase.initializeApp(config) : ''
export const GoogleProvider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider()
export const auth = firebase.auth()
export const DB = firebase.database()
export const StoreDB = firebase.firestore()
export default firebase

Handling User Authentication State

Firebase provides onAuthStateChanged to handle user state. I created fireauth.js to setup this functionality

// This is `@plugins/fireauth.js`

import { auth } from '@/services/fireinit.js'

export default (context) => {
  const { store } = context

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    auth.onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
      if (user) {
        return resolve(store.commit('setUser', user))
      return resolve()

Protecting Authenticated Routes

Scenario 1:
A user is already signed-in and the next route is /login

Redirect to /admin

Scenario 2:
There is not a user signed-in and the next route is /admin or a sub-route such as, /admin/settings

Redirect to /login

This functions checks for the 2 scenarios:

// This is `@middleware/router-auth.js`

export default function ({ store, redirect, route }) {
  store.state.user != null && == 'login' ? redirect('/admin') : ''
  store.state.user == null && isAdminRoute(route) ? redirect('/login') : ''

function isAdminRoute(route) {
  if (route.matched.some((record) => record.path == '/admin')) {
    return true

We will tell Nuxt.js to use this file by declaring it in nuxt.config.js as follows:

router: {
  middleware: 'router-auth'

With all of this in place, we are able to use Firebase Authentication with Nuxt.js to protect the /admin route as well as child routes such as /admin/settings.