My Quest For the Ultimate Nuxt.js Website Template

I’ve spent the past several months working with Nuxt and trying to compose an awesome starter template to use.

I have had the following goals for it:

  1. Reusable
  2. Reliable
  3. Scalable

While I was originally using TailwindCSS with PurgeCSS (which is an amazing combination) without a framework to keep my sites performant with smaller build sizes.I recently switched to using Vuetify instead.

This change came in result of the newer ability to only include a site’s used components when building for production via tree shaking using VuetifyLoader.

With that being said, I would like to introduce my new project which I call Nuxtify which aims to provide a starter template for best-practices, easy setup, and fantastic performance (See Performance Score Below).

I hope to produce a few articles over the next several weeks covering my results, tips, and anything that could help fellow developers.

For now, I want to share the repo, the demo site, and a few notable tidbits.

Notable Tidbits

Here a few things you might be helpful or interesting, especially if you work with Nuxt.


I have a configs directory and then inside of nuxt.config.js I have added them to the watch option. This enhances the development experience by automatically restarting the server when there is a change in these files.

watch: ['~/config/*']

Layout Structure

Sections of site layout.vue file are separated into components creating a more organized and structured code base as show below:

    <v-site-header />
    <v-site-content />
    <v-mobile-nav />
    <v-site-footer />

  import VMobileNav from '@/components/VMobileNav.vue'
  import VSiteContent from '@/components/VSiteContent.vue'
  import VSiteHeader from '@/components/VSiteHeader.vue'
  import VSiteFooter from '@/components/VSiteFooter.vue'

  export default {
    components: {

If you are wondering, “Where is the <nuxt /> component?”, it’s actually possible to place it inside a component file which I have done here by relocating it to the v-site-content component as seen below:

      <nuxt />


Nuxtify is currently achieving a Lighthouse score of 98-100. I personally believe it’s quite incredible to be able to harness a framework as versatile and powerful as Vuetify and produce such high-performing sites.
